Monday 14 July 2014

Sceitse 29- Sketch Island & the sketch invasion

Pulling up to the island on the first day, with the early medieval monastic settlement in the background, after this it was just the 13 of us

The camp we setup on the island, sleeping here for 3 nights

End of the first night, watching the sunset at where two tides meet

The Sceitsers

Sketching in the ruins

View from the early medieval site

The island at night

Getting on the boats to leave on the last day
A deserted uninhabited island off the coast of the Dingle peninsula in Kerry, in Tralee bay was invaded by 13 intrepid sketchers for 4 days of uninterrupted camping, sketching and just general fun. We hung out in the island watching civilisation and life far off in the distance across the bay while we had the time of our lives in an amazing island which constantly changed depending on the time of day, weather, light and which part of it you were on. In other words, an unforgettable sketch adventure, probably our best yet!

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